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To implement the care for middle and lower levels, the Executive Yuan conducts “Implementation of.....

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To implement the care for middle and lower levels, the Executive Yuan conducts “Implementation of.....

News From:Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training
Council of Labor Affairs, in order to implement the concern and care of disadvantaged workers, planed and conducted “the Implement of Taking Care of Middle and Lower Levels ─the Dream Fulfillment Project for Disadvantaged Workers”. In the plan, the Council established Promotional Project for Disadvantaged Workers, utilizing diversified strategy to conduct each employment services, and in connection with the resources of various division to conduct “ the Project of Expanding the Recruitment of Disadvantaged Workers in Public Departments” to increase the employment opportunity of disadvantaged workers. The explanation for promoting employment measures are as follows:

1.Expansion of applicable workers
To increase the applicable workers from originally 6 categories to 13 categories. Besides the six categories, women who support their families, the middle and old-age, the disables, aboriginals, households needed assistant but have the ability to work and released prisoners regulated in the Employment Service Law, to increase caring subjects who left the labor market for more than 2 years because of family factor, women return back to work(women who work for the second time), women with special circumstances, victims under family violence and sexual abuse, disadvantaged teenagers, economically disadvantaged household(including cases transferred from hot line1957and family of high risk), spouses from overseas and China and others not mentioned above but considered as the ones who need assistance after evaluation by public employment institutes, etc.

2.Adjustment for the policy tools of employment promotion 
The council will raise the budget of employment promotion related subsidy, including Allowances for the Hiring raising from NT5,000 each person per month to the maximum of NT10,000 each person per month. Temporary Work Allowance is raised from NT95 per hour to NT100 per hour. Workplace Learning and Readjustment Allowance is not only with expansion of applicable subjects, but also raised from NT10,000 each person per month to NT 17,280 each person per month. The mentioned measures are estimated to be implemented from January of 2008 in a hope of better implementation of the Government’s original intention of taking care of middle and lower levels. 

3.In connection of the resources of public departments to increase the employment opportunity for middle and lower level disadvantaged job seekers.
From the year 2007 to the year 2008, the Council will adjust disadvantaged employees in the labor structures of public departments from 30,000 people to 40,342 people gradually. By the leading of public departments, to increase or release the employment opportunities to disadvantaged workers, to expand and promote the whole employment market, and therefore lead civil enterprises to follow. On the other hand, disadvantaged workers can use the diversified employment service to create the future of smooth and steady employment. 

4.To provide measures of entrepreneurial guidance
In order to assist disadvantaged workers to start an enterprise, the Council of Labor Affairs currently conducts the project of “Entrepreneurial Phoenix-Women Small Loan”, providing entrepreneurial company service and loans guarantee project aimed at 20~ 65 years old women with entrepreneurial willingness, and conducts Micro-Business Start-Up Loan, providing entrepreneurial guidance and interests subsidy for 45-65 year- middle and old age workers. Moreover, for entrepreneurial guidance aimed at released prisoners under protection, Ministry of Justice has already coordinated Taiwan After-Care Association and Small and Medium Business Credit Guarantee Fund to establish “Implemental Guidelines for After-Care Business Timely Rainfall Project Loans」(Draft) to provide them entrepreneurial loans. Credit Guarantee Fund is from the contribution of Taiwan After-Care Association and Small and Medium Business Credit Guarantee Fun 
  • Source:Workforce Development Agency
  • Publication Date:2007-11-22
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