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Policy Objectives and Priorities of the Ministry of Labor for 2024

  • Last updated:2024-06-05


Policy Objectives and Priorities of the Ministry of Labor for 2024

To continuously and actively safeguard the rights and interests of workers, the Ministry of Labor (MOL) adheres to the administrative principles of “stability,” “peace of mind,” and “safety.” The MOL is committed to promoting fair and stable labor relations, continuing to improve labor standards protection, supporting the rights protection of workers employed under new economic and technological models, fostering the creation of a friendly work environment, implementing workplace equality and employment equality, ensuring the stability of labor insurance and retirement pension systems, enhancing the effectiveness of employment services, promoting employment for youth, women, middle-aged and elderly people, and assisting in addressing post-pandemic labor shortages and expanding employment opportunities. Furthermore, the MOL offers a range of vocational training avenues, bolsters skill certification services, streamlines transnational labor recruitment management, maximizes the utilization of the international workforce, refines workplace disaster prevention strategies, and enacts vital administrative objectives like occupational accident insurance systems.

  1. Continuously Improve Labor Standards Protection, Support the Rights Protection of Workers in New Economic and Technological Models
    • Establish a minimum wage review mechanism, formulate minimum wages, and ensure reasonable minimum wages for workers.
    • Continuously review current working hour regulations to improve the working hour system.
    • Enhance protection for workers employed under new economic and technological models in terms of employment opportunities, labor rights, occupational safety, and labor insurance.
  2. Strengthen the Creation of a Friendly Work Environment, Implement Workplace Equality and Employment Equality
    • Refine legislation on employment equality, strengthen the prevention and control of workplace sexual harassment, and enhance advocacy for workplace equality.
    • Promote measures for employers to provide lactation (breastfeeding) rooms and childcare facilities, creating a friendly childcare environment in the workplace.
    • Promote the concept of work-life balance and support enterprises in implementing employee-friendly measures.
  3. Ensure the Stability of Labor Insurance and Retirement Pension Systems
    • Continuously review the relevant systems and finances of labor insurance, maintain the stable operation of the labor insurance system, strengthen regulatory policy explanation briefings, and enhance understanding of relevant regulations among workers and insured units.
    • Actively review the allocation of the old pension system reserve account and continue to advocate and encourage voluntary contributions to retirement pensions by new pension system workers.
    • Implement a supervision mechanism for labor funds to enhance the security of labor fund assets.
    • Enhance diversified investment strategies, strengthen investment research and risk control mechanisms, and steadily increase fund investment returns.
  4. Enhance the Effectiveness of Employment Services, Actively Assist Citizens in Employment
    • Continuously promote the second phase of the Youth Employment Investment Program, leverage ministerial resources and collaboration to assist youth career development, and cultivate and guide youth to accumulate professional skills in key industries for stable employment.
    • Integrate ministerial assistance measures, promote employment promotion plans for middle-aged and elderly people, assist middle-aged and elderly unemployed individuals in finding employment, encourage those currently employed to remain in the workforce, and support retirees in re-entering employment.
    • Implement the Women's Reemployment Program, assist women in self-training, provide reemployment incentives, and incentivize employers to offer job vacancies with adjusted working hours to facilitate women's reentry into the workforce.
    • Implement post-pandemic programs to address labor shortages and expand employment opportunities, actively utilize employment incentives, encourage employers to provide reasonable wages, promote labor participation in industries affected by post-pandemic labor shortages, and create mutually beneficial outcomes for employers and employees.
    • Assist workers affected by the transition to a net-zero economy by providing job referrals, vocational training, and other resources.
    • Review relevant regulations on employment insurance to enhance its function in promoting employment and improving the rights and benefits of insured workers.
  5. Provide Diverse Vocational Training Avenues, Enhance the Capacity of Skills Certification Services
    • Conduct diverse vocational training programs aligned with the needs of key industries and workers' career development, ensuring an adequate supply of talent pool for industries.
    • In alignment with industry shifts, foster collaboration between public and private sectors, advocate for the versatile implementation of competency standards, enhance the alignment of skills certification with industry talent development demands, and achieve the objective of integrating education, training, and certification.
  6. Optimize the Management System for Hiring Transnational Labor, Effectively Utilize Transnational Labor
    • In response to changes in the economic and social environment, strengthen the retention of foreign professionals and mid-level technical talents, and deliberate and promote major policies for the hiring of transnational labor.
    • Improve the legal framework for transnational labor to ensure the rights of foreigners working in Taiwan, balance the employment rights and needs of nationals, and employers' labor demands.
    • Strengthen the management of domestic and foreign labor employment agencies, enhance legal advocacy and consultation channels for hiring foreign workers, and improve the introduction and business management of foreign workers.
    • Strengthen one-stop services for newly hired foreign workers' entry and orientation, streamline employer application procedures for hiring, and enhance the working rights of foreign workers.
    • Optimize online application services for hiring foreign workers, streamline work permit application regulations, provide digital work permits for foreign workers, and continuously promote and expand the scope of direct employment services.
  7. Promote Fair and Stable Labor-Management Relations
    • Promote the establishment and smooth operation of labor unions by workers, introduce favorable measures, and continue to promote incentives and assistance for signing collective bargaining agreements.
    • Continuously improve mechanisms for resolving disputes outside of litigation, arbitration, and protection of laid-off workers, and strengthen legal aid measures.
    • Enhance labor education to instill a sense of labor consciousness among the public.
  8. Improve Workplace Disaster Mitigation Strategies, Implement Occupational Accident Insurance Systems
    • Strengthen the diagnosis and treatment of occupational injuries and illnesses and the rehabilitation of injured workers, integrate resources from regional medical institutions, enhance reporting of occupational diseases and injuries and provide necessary services to injured workers promptly to assist their return to the workplace.
    • Continue to promote the self-management system for occupational safety and health, promote workplace disaster prevention education and training, and enhance the risk management capabilities of industries.
    • Enhance workplace disaster reduction strategies, strengthen the identification and assessment of hazardous chemicals in workplaces, improve source management and control of machinery and equipment, and strengthen safety and health supervision and inspections for industries with high-risk operations to ensure that enterprises rigorously implement self-management.
    • Optimize the capacity and quality of labor health services, and assist enterprises in implementing measures to protect the physical and mental well-being of workers.
  • Source:Department of General Planning
  • Publication Date:2022-03-28
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