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Participation in international organizations

  • Last updated:2021-10-18

(1) ILO

To broaden Taiwan's role in international labor affairs, MOL will continue to work with non-government organizations and countries to promote meaningful participation in International Labour Organization (ILO), and host seminars by inviting ILO (retired) officials and International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and International Organisation of Employers (IOE) experts to Taiwan to share and exchange experiences on labor issues and practices.

(2) WTO

Since Taiwan is a member of the WTO, MOL will continue to work closely with the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) and other related government agencies to review Taiwan's position on labor-related trade issues, and to participate and provide suggestions in consultative negotiation.

(3) APEC

MOL will continue to take on an active role in APEC Human Resources Development Ministerial Meeting and Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG), and will propose related initiatives at said HRDWG's Capacity Building Network (CBN) and Labour and Social Protection Network (LSPN).

(4) OECD

MOL will continue to take part in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's (OECD) related projects and seminars to increase Taiwan's exposure internationally. MOL will also gather OECD's related strategies on the promotion of employment and labor's right to foster Taiwan's policy making and harmonize with the international community.

  • Source:Department of General Planning
  • Publication Date:2015-04-20
  • Count Views: