- Last updated:2021-12-27

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- Policies & Regulations President Tsai Announces the "Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act" These Can Be Deposited Into a Designated Account to Provide Multiple Labor Protection Ways Including Labor Insurance Lump-sum Benefits and Pensions
- News Outlook Paying the Highest Tribute to Workers in Taiwan: Ministry of Labor Honors 56 Model Workers in Taiwan with Awards Presented by Premier Su Promoting Skills Transformation in the Post-COVID-19 Era in the Asia Pacific, Taiwan Signs MOUs with Australia and Thailand The MOL Launched the LINE@E-Line Service, Providing Real-time COVID-19 Information Updates to Migrant Workers Taiwan-OSHA and EU-OSHA Co-hosted the Inaugural EU-Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Cooperation Meeting - A New Chapter for Bilateral Exchange in OSH Strategies and Technologies

On the eve of Labor Day, April 30, the President announced the "Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act," representing a gift full of good intentions for the country's workers. This act marks a major step forward in the development of Taiwan's occupational accident protection policies and represents a specific measure for implementing the President's labor policies. By establishing an act that comprehensively covers the prevention, compensation, and rehabilitation measures of occupational accidents, the government is carrying out the protection of workplace safety.
As the Ministry of Labor (MOL) pointed out, this act integrates laws related to workers' protection for occupational accidents. By expanding the coverage of insurance, workers will immediately enjoy protection upon employment, and will have a guarantee for benefit payments from the government in case of an occupational accident. This act raises the amount of various benefits to protect workers in their post-accident lives. Employers may also contribute to workers' protection with modest premiums, and by doing so they can offset more employer compensation responsibilities. Furthermore, this act integrates occupational accident prevention and rehabilitation services through a more comprehensive overall occupational accident protection system based on the four policy aspects "three protections and one completion" to achieve accident prevention, adequate compensation, and post-accident rehabilitation.
The MOL added that it will formulate and establish relevant sub-laws and measures, and enhance relevant promotional and guidance activities to allow the laws to be smoothly enacted, so that frontline workers can enjoy a safe and healthy work environment, thereby fulfilling the government's promise to protect workers.
Keywords: Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act, Insurance Coverage Expansion, Integrating Occupational Accident Prevention and Rehabilitation Services

The amendments to Article 29 of the Labor Insurance Act came into effect on April 30, 2021, stipulate that Labor Insurance annuities or other lump-sum benefits can be deposited into accounts set up exclusively for Labor Insurance benefit deposits. The deposits in these accounts will not be seized, provided as a guarantee, or subject to compulsive enforcement, in order to protect the basic financial safety of disadvantaged workers or their beneficiaries. Workers who wish to set up a designated account may contact the Bureau of Labor Insurance (BLI) (telephone: 02-23961266) for more information.
Keywords: Article 29 of the Labor Insurance Act, Designated Account, Labor Insurance Benefits

On April 29, 2021, the Ministry of Labor (MOL) held the "Working Hard and Polishing Skills to Create Infinite Possibilities - 2021 Labor Day National Model Worker Award Ceremony." Premier Su Tseng-Chang and Minister without Portfolio and Spokesperson of the Executive Yuan, Lo Ping-Cheng, attended the ceremony with Minister of Labor Hsu Ming-Chun. Premier Su presented awards on behalf of the government to 56 model workers to praise them for their outstanding contributions.
The MOL pointed out that the award-winning workers this year belonged to diverse fields and industries, including: traditional manufacturing, medical care, transportation, filmmaking, culinary arts, and leadership and meeting affairs of trade unions. These workers have made formidable contributions to their professional fields. In addition, to recognize the contributions of migrant workers to Taiwan's economy, this award ceremony added the "Model Migrant Workers" category for the first time. The five award-winning migrant workers include three industrial workers and two social workers, from Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand. The establishment of this new award category demonstrates the universal value of labor protection regardless of workers' industry or nationality.
Keywords: Model Worker, Model Migrant Worker, Award Ceremony

To celebrate the signing of the "Vocational Education and Training Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)" with the TAFE Directors Australia (TDA) and the Thai-German Institute (TGI) respectively, and discuss the innovative skills transformation strategies in the post-COVID-19 era in each country, the Workforce Development Agency (WDA) under the Ministry of Labor (MOL) held the "Taiwan-Australia/-Thailand MOU Exchange Ceremony and Skills Transformation for Post-Pandemic Workforce International Forum" on March 25, 2021.
Witnessed by Lin San-Quei, Vice Minister of Labor, the exchange ceremony was held via online and physical meetings. The meetings were also attended by representatives, among them: Shih Chen-Yang, Director General of the Workforce Development Agency; Craig Robertson, CEO of TDA; and Somwang Boonrakcharoen, President of TGI. Vice Minister Lin stated that this MOU exchange is a demonstration of Taiwan's commitment and efforts in international cooperation regarding vocational training, and expressed his hope that it would exert the advantages of Taiwan's vocational training in the current trend of digital transformation to promote growth in digital skills in the Asia Pacific region as well as other international communities. Concluding the ceremony, Director General Shih thanked the representatives from Australia and Thailand and expressed her wishes for the Workforce Development Agency to advance the transformation of workforce development and training, and expand the international cooperative platform for vocational training in the Asia Pacific region.
A subsequent forum on "Skills Transformation for Post-Pandemic Workforce" was also convened in online and offline meetings and attended by the CEO of TDA, the President of TGI, the representatives from VDAB (Flanders, Belgium), ILO representative Chun Hae Kyeung, Delora Yen, representing LinkedIn, Phan Ngoc Mai Phuong Ministry of Planning and Investment (Vietnam), and other international organizations based in Taiwan or abroad. Topics of discussion included skills development and vocational training transformation, new skills required in the post-COVID-19 workforce, and innovative strategies for post-COVID-19 skills development in various countries.
The Workforce Development Agency pointed out that, despite the limitations on international exchange efforts due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it managed, through online and offline meetings, to invite industrial, governmental, academic, and training experts to discuss future modes of work, innovative skills requirements, and digital skills advancements. With meetings to discuss strategic and development roadmaps, we constructed a platform for international cooperation and exchange and promoted the development of high-quality vocational training mechanisms in the Asia Pacific region.
Keywords: MOU for International Vocational Training Cooperation, Post-COVID-19 Skills Transformation, Workforce Development and Skills Improvement

In response to the Central Epidemic Command Center's announcement of the newest adjustment to a higher COVID-19 alert level, and in order to enable migrant workers to keep track of the latest pandemic control information and measures in their mother languages, the Workforce Development Agency of the Ministry of Labor (MOL) has established the "LINE@E-Line" service. The service provides the latest coronavirus information updates to migrant workers. In response to the worsening COVID-19 situation in the country, this service was launched on May 17, 2021, to help migrant workers keep track of the latest information.
The Workforce Development Agency stated that, to promote the prevention and control policies during the COVID-19 pandemic, the relevant information is currently being published in multiple languages on the Information Site of Foreign Worker Rights Defense for migrant workers. In addition, to communicate relevant information to migrant workers, the Agency is also planning to set up an official LINE account for the 1955 migrant worker hotline (hereinafter referred to as LINE@) to provide information services. Considering the immediate demand to provide migrant workers with the latest COVID-19-related information, the Agency launched LINE@E-Line to provide relevant information services in English, Indonesian, Vietnamese, and Thai.
As the Workforce Development Agency explained, the name "LINE@E-Line" means that questions related to migrant workers can be easily solved with a simple click on Line@. Currently, LINE@E-Line mainly features COVID-19-related information. In the future, the Workforce Development Agency will progressively include other information such as migrant worker laws, common Q&As for the 1955 hotline, and advice for migrant workers regarding life in Taiwan, so that migrant workers can enjoy happier, safer, and more stable lives in Taiwan.
Migrant workers can access this service via a QR code, LINE ID and links from LINE friends. We encourage employers, the general public, and agencies to share this important information with migrant workers.
Keywords: Migrant Workers, Ministry of Labor, Information Site of Foreign Worker Rights Defense

The first EU-Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Cooperation Meeting was held via video conferencing at 3 p.m. on May 6, 2021. The delegates of EU-OSHA were led by Executive Director Christa SEDLATSCHEK, while delegates from Taiwan-OSHA, under Taiwan's Ministry of Labor (MOL) were led by Director-General TZOU Tzu-Lien. Both parties engaged in lively exchanges focusing on "Safeguarding Occupational Safety and Health for Platform Economy Workers" and "Protecting and Providing Rehabilitation Services for Workers Suffering from Occupational Accidents."
Remarkably, this event was the first-ever meeting via cooperative platforms co-organized by Taiwan and the EU on occupational safety and health. During the meeting, Director General TZOU thanked the EU-OSHA for its support for Taiwan, and proposed that Taiwan and the EU take turns organizing events in the form of annual cooperative meetings, reciprocal visits among experts, or international conferences organized by one party with delegates sent by the other.
Both parties recognized this meeting's outstanding results, and hoped that the pandemic can subside as soon as possible, so that during the 2nd meeting, attendees can participate in face-to-face conversations on issues such as cancer hazard management for workplace chemicals, standards of occupational illness recognition, and safety management for the Industry 4.0's digital machinery and work equipment, to construct more comprehensive OSH policies and a more stable partnership.
Keywords: European Union, Occupational Safety and Health, Platform Economy
- Source:Department of General Planning
- Publication Date:2021-06-22
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- Taiwan+Labor+E-Newsletter+NO.57 pdf