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Child workers

  • Last updated:2021-10-18

  Child workers under the age of 18 to perform any of the following potentially dangerous or harmful work. Daily working hours for child workers should not exceed eight hours, with weekly working hours of less than forty hours. Child workers are not allowed to work on regular day off, and are also not allowed to work between eight p.m. and six a.m. of the following day. When employing part-time workers under the age of fifteen, employers or those accepting labor must abide to the provisions of Regulations Governing the Determination Criteria and Inspection of No Harm to Mental and Physical Health in Article 45 of the Labor Standards Act. These provisions include:

1. Child workers are not allowed to engage in works that are against public order and boni mores, inside tunnels, and in restricted spaces. They are also not allowed to engage in works that have been evaluated by a medical doctor to be beyond the burden of their physical and mental capacity.

2. Employers or those accepting labor are to set a maximum number of working hours and working days for work during school semesters and school breaks according to the child worker’s age.

3. For every two hours of continuous work, child workers are to have at least fifteen minutes of break. They are also to have at least one Saturday or Sunday as regular day off each week.

4. Employers or those accepting labor must apply with the regional competent labor authority twenty to ninety days prior to the employment of child workers. All necessary documents must be submitted at the time of application; the approved employment period is a maximum of one year per application.

5. Employers or those accepting labor violating any of the above provisions are subject to a maximum of six-month imprisonment or a combined maximum fine of NT$300,000.

  • Source:Department of Standards and Equal Employment
  • Publication Date:2015-04-20
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