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A 2007 national first-stage certified technician skill contest will start to receive registrations on Jan. 9th,...

  • Last updated:2021-10-18

A 2007 national first-stage certified technician skill contest will start to receive registrations on Jan. 9th,...

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The Council initiated a 2007 national first-stage certified technician skill contest in order to raise laborers’ occupational and technique levels and industrial upgrading. The receiving of group registrations spans between Jan. 9th and Jan. 12th while that for individual registrations falls between Jan. 14th and Jan. 19th, and the test brochure can be purchased in 7-11s all over Taiwan from Dec. 26th, 2006 to Jan. 19th, 2007. The subject tests will be held on April 22nd, 2007, and all interested parties will be highly welcomed to participate. 

The Council announces that there are 134 occupational subjects in the evaluation test.. Since 2007, all specific participants,such as the mentally or physically disabled, aboriginal people, family members of low-income households, family economic supporters, and middle to high aged involuntary unemployed, may provide relevant documents and application forms in registration receiving units to waive registration fees. This waiving may not be allowed without the proof documents. Please browse the website of the Central Region Office of the Council www.labor.gov.twfor further information. 

The registration receiving institutes include 25 spots respectively in north, central, south, and east Taiwan in addition to the employment and vocational training centers of Kaohsiung City Government and in Taipei County Government, which can be checked on the website of the Central Region Office of the Council or on the phone (0800-20802004-22552655). 
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  • Publication Date:2015-04-22
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