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  • Last updated:2022-11-07

The MOL conducted the 2nd Taiwan-U.S. Collective Bargaining Talent Training Seminar by video conference with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) of the U.S. Government. The opening remarks were delivered by FMCS Director nominee Javier Ramirez, AIT Economic Section Chief Rashad Jones, and MOL Vice Minister Chen Ming-Jen. During the meeting, FMCS senior mediators shared mediation skills and methods, including how to leverage different meeting modes such as joint meetings, individual meetings and side-meetings at different stages of negotiation to help both sides negotiate a common agreement. They also shared specific suggestions on how to break through deadlocks. Through the exchange of experience between Taiwan and the U.S., the seminar enhanced the mediation capabilities of government agency administrators and mediators facing collective bargaining disputes.

  • Source:Department of General Planning
  • Publication Date:2022-11-07
  • Count Views: